This Diwali, be the Reason of Someone Else’s Celebration

“कितने भी दिए जला ले, रौशनी दिल के अंदर तभी पहुंचेगी, जब इंसान इंसान के काम आएगा!”


this diwali be the reason of someone else celebration

“No Matter How Many Lamps You Illuminate, The Light Enters The Heart Only When A Man Serves The Mankind.”

Diwali is auspicious in so many different ways and the celebrations fulfill humanity’s need for money, knowledge, and health. But Diwali is not just about self-fulfillment and self-enjoyment rather, it’s also about sharing joy with complete strangers and making them happy. Now since the whole of humanity is facing an unprecedented situation in the form of covid-19, many people are struggling on a day-to-day basis. Can we do something for them? Let’s celebrate this Diwali differently and make them happy.
This Diwali, take a few small steps and become the reason for someone else’s celebration. This is what you can do.

Support Small-Time Traders

During the festival time, support small-time traders, vendors, artists, and artisans who open shops around our vicinity. They sell earthen lamps, ethnic ornaments, candles, and other decorative items. Buy from them and be the reason for their ‘happy Diwali moments’.

Distribute Sweets Among Underprivileged Children

On Diwali, you’ll receive many gifts including sweets and dry fruit boxes from your loved ones. Instead of wasting them away, put them to noble use, and gift them to the underprivileged children. You cannot imagine the bliss that you would feel by doing this.

Charity Begins at Home, Truly

Sometimes we don’t need to go very far from home for doing something divine. Surprise your domestic helpers with a day off and some extra cash so that they can celebrate the festival with their family.

Don’t Forget the People Who Are on Road

Be appreciative of people who make your festivals and life safe and enjoyable. Be it a food delivery guy, a newspaper vendor or grocery wallah – you can gift them a box of sweets or a small tip as a token of deep gratitude.

Spend Time at an Old Age Home

Old age is really lonely for many elderly people during festivals as they miss their youth and also their loved ones during the time badly. You are well capable of elevating their mood by meeting them with a small box of sweets and some sweet talks. Hear out their experience and get immense love in return.

Be Concerned for Environment

This is the duty of everyone to feel a little bit accountable for the environment. Fortunately, now only green crackers are available in the market to fight air and noise pollution. Use only these crackers while celebrating Diwali and you can gift them to an orphaned child as well to make them enjoy their day.

Be Compassionate to Street Dogs & Birds

This is also crucial as any firecracker can affect street dogs, birds, and other animals to a great extent. Careless use of even green firecrackers can seriously injure and, sometimes, kill these animals. This is truly heartbreaking. Play with crackers in a responsible manner so that animals don’t get scared.
Whatever you do on Diwali, just keep this in your mind that no one shall feel any kind of pain because of you and you can become a reason for someone else’s celebration.

A Very Happy Diwali to all!

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Kanya Atmnirbhar Abhiyan | Vishwa Jagriti Mission