Come Forward, Help these Children of Destiny | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Come Forward, Help these children of destiny

Come Forward, Help these Children of Destiny    

Life is all about transformation. In the case of children, Determination, Drive, Ambition and Support are some factors that bring positive transformation to their lives. Due to these factors, they become in life what they want to become.

But what if there is no support at all?

Such is the situation of orphans. They all are children of God, Children of Destiny, yet they lack a safe place to grow and basics like food, clothes, and access to education. This enhances the likelihood of them choosing the wrong path in life or getting caught in the wrong hands.

As aware members of society, we are capable to change their narrative from being vulnerable to able. We can easily help them transform their lives by supporting orphanages.

Let’s come forward and help these children of destiny.

Children are left in orphanages because their one or both parents are dead and their relatives or, sometimes, the widowed mothers cannot afford to take care of them. These widows and relatives put their trust in the orphanage to clothe, feed, and educate these children and provide them with support in life.

Most of these orphanages run on donations and charities. Donations are used for the well-being of these children, helping them to come out of poverty.

We can become a strong support for these orphanages.

How? There are many ways!

1. Be Generous & Give Aid

Do some research and you’ll find many orphanages are running in your vicinity as well supporting hundreds and thousands of orphans. Give aid to these orphanages as they genuinely intend to take care of the orphans. Your generosity will have a greater impact on the lives of these children.

Your humble contribution can clothe many orphans, feed orphanages for weeks and months, give treatment to sick children, provide opportunities for children to receive education, boost the morale of social service organizations running orphanages and also put those widowed mothers at ease who worry about their children.

But before giving, make sure your money be spent wisely towards improving the condition of a needy child.

Also understand that without your contribution, these orphanages wouldn’t be able to help as many orphans in need as they are doing or at least, trying to do.

Therefore, think wisely and donate.

2. Be Kind and Donate Goods

An amazing way to help orphans out is to donate goods to the orphanage. You may offer new or second-hand clothes, stationery, books, hygiene products, toys, indoor games, old gaming consoles, old mobile phones, etc.

Some more useful items that can be arranged for orphanages could be COVID-19 care PPE equipment, masks, hand sanitizer, shoes, socks, school bags, raincoats, sports equipment like bat-ball, badminton rackets, footballs, etc.

3. Raise Awareness and Motivate Others to be a Helping Hand

According to reports, there are over 2 crore orphans in India; it is more than the population of Sri Lanka.

Also, according to 2021 reports, as many as 30,071 children were orphaned, lost one parent or abandoned due to the COVID-19 pandemic as per data submitted by different states till June 5.

It’s necessary to understand the ground reality of the situation and take efforts to support those social service organizations that take care of these children of God.

So, stay aware of the issues faced by orphans close to your home and far away. Tell your friends, family, colleagues, and others about the issue and motivate them to come forward for their help.

You might, for instance, tell your own children that there are children in your city without books to read or toys to play with and encourage them to donate some of their stationery items or indoor games to an orphanage that will benefit these children.

You may also use social media to spread the plight of orphans and for supporting fundraising programs and social initiatives.

There are many ways to help, all you need is intent.

Therefore, be socially responsible and donate to orphanages that are doing great work open-handedly. Help to provide the orphaned children with necessities like food, shelter, education, and healthcare. Most of the times, these orphanages struggle to continue their work. Help them with your kind efforts and support these children of God.